
The Wellness Centre provides non-emergency primary health and wellness services for Mount Allison students.

The Wellness Centre is located on the lower level of the Wallace McCain Student Centre, and operates during the academic year — September to mid-April.

Most appointments are available:

  • Monday-Friday
  • 9 a.m.-4 p.m. (closed 12-1 p.m.)

Book an appointment

The Wellness Centre team consists of a nurse, physician, counsellors, a social worker, and a sexualized violence consultant. Appointment required.

All registered Mount Allison students are eligible for services.

Questions? Email wellness@mta.ca.

While it is helpful to inform the receptionist of your health concern, it is not mandatory. Please do not communicate confidential information via e-mail.

Health insurance coverage

Health insurance covers the cost of many of the health and wellness services offered at Mount Allison.

Canadian students

Canadian students are covered by their provincial health insurance while studying at Mount Allison, with the exception of those from Quebec.

Students from Quebec

The Province of Quebec has not entered into a reciprocal billing agreement with physicians from other Canadian provinces.

This means that if Quebec students need to access a physician while attending Mount Allison, whether it be a physician at the local hospital, community office, or clinic, or at the Mount Allison Wellness Centre, they will be requested to pay a physician fee before being seen by the physician. The receipt can be sent to the Province of Quebec for reimbursement.


Contraception management and Herpes Zoster assessment

Service fees to provide coverage for assessment and prescribing for contraception management and Herpes Zoster assessment by pharmacists will be covered by the Department of Health (Medicare) for eligible patients.

These eligible patients must be an NB resident or hold a valid Medicare card.

The coverage is for the cost of the assessment and prescribing only. The patient is still responsible for the cost of the dispensing fee and the prescribed medication and/or injection, if applicable.

For patients with prescription drug plans, the pharmacy can submit the claim for these costs and the patient is responsible for any remaining balance.

International students

Health insurance for international students at Mount Allison University is mandatory.

International students who are studying full-time in a program that leads to a degree are eligible to apply for New Brunswick provincial Medicare coverage.

Students can receive coverage through the .

Students without coverage and non-insured services

Physician health care services that are not covered under provincial plans include:

  • Physicals and/or medical forms (sports, licensing, travel, etc.)
  • Travel consultation (including multiple prescriptions for travel) 
  • Travel immunization only (if travel consultation has been provided elsewhere) 
  • Physician office visit without insurance

MASU extended health and dental insurance coverage

The Mount Allison Students' Union is pleased to offer all Mount Allison students health and dental coverage.

Full details of the plan and the benefits offered can be found on the .
Students covered with a health and/or dental benefit plan elsewhere (through parents, spouse, employer, etc.) may opt out of the corresponding health plan.

Questions can be directed to the health plan administrator at masuhealth@mta.ca or 506-364-3238.