
The following resources can assist with your studies in classics and career planning post graduation.

The J.E.A. Crake Reading Room (Hart Hall 403)

Among the reference works available in the Reading Room for use by the general public are a complete collection of Loeb Classical Texts and the Cambridge Ancient History.

The Crake Room is open to the public as a resource area or as a quiet place to study during term between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday.

Classics resources online

  • — 441 Greek and Roman Texts in Translation

Professional organizations

Online classics journals and bulletins

  • : an electronic resource and journal dedicated to the study of ancient Greek and Roman drama
  • : Materials for the Study of Women and Gender in the Ancient World

Career planning sites for classicists

After your undergrad

Our faculty are always willing to meet with students (or potential students) to discuss future goals. Below are a few careers that Mount Allison students have expressed interest in or been successful entering. Remember that Classical Studies, with its emphasis on writing and research skills, can be used in a wide range of careers. Our students have entered the workplace straight from their undergraduate degree at Mount Allison University.


To continue in the professional world of academia, a Master’s followed by PhD is required. In order to present a strong application to graduate schools, please be aware that broad skills in languages are essential. In addition to advanced coursework in Latin and Ancient Greek, students will need at least intermediate reading proficiency in two of the following languages: German, French, Italian, or sometimes Spanish.

Mount Allison offers French and Spanish language courses to an advanced level, and German is offered to an intermediate level. Italian is not available. A student should therefore plan their coursework for an Honours degree in Classical Studies (which requires mastery of Latin and Greek) and use additional electives to try to gain proficiency in French and German.

A career in academia is very rewarding, however we will caution you that the job market is extremely competitive. An advanced education is always of value, but it would be wise to keep an open mind about ways you can leverage your skills in a wide range of careers.



Classical Studies is an ideal course of study for those who want to be elementary school teachers. Its coverage of myths, different cultures, and the building blocks of language provides an excellent background for educating young children. Students interested in this career path might consider a major in Classical Studies with a minor in another subject of interest. This leaves room to explore different courses, such as Psychology, Geography, Biology, English, and Drama. Coursework in French is highly recommended.


A major in Classical Studies may be able to be used to prepare for Secondary Social Studies, but a student interested in this path must check the requirements for specific Bachelor of Education programs. Additional coursework in History, Economics, and French is recommended.


Mount Allison has a strong Archaeology program within the Classical Studies degree. Students interested in pursuing classical archaeology at the graduate (Master’s) level should plan on an Honours degree to meet the classical languages requirements necessary. For students interested in bioarchaeology, it may be useful to talk with the Biology department about forming an appropriate course sequence in conjunction with a degree in Classical Studies.

Art Conservationist

Our department has had students admitted to the only Master of Art Conservation (Treatment) program in the country, offered at Queen’s University. In addition to an Honours degree, students interested in Art Conservation must take:

• One full year (two courses) in studio art. The Fine Art program at Mount Allison has a portfolio-based entrance requirement. Some students have found that taking summer art courses has been useful.
• Three courses in chemistry, which must include one semester of organic chemistry. All courses should have a laboratory component.
• Applicants should have at least ten courses in art history or archaeology.
• Experience in conservation is highly recommended. The Owens Art Gallery is an excellent resource for students contemplating a career as an art conservationist.

Librarian or Archivist

Students interested in pursuing library/information science or archival studies are strongly encouraged to take Digital Humanities, an advanced course offered by the Classics department. Other courses in computer science or database management would be extremely useful, too.


Although there are no specific courses students need to enter law school, Classics makes for excellent preparation. Consider either an Honours degree in Classical Studies or a double major in Classical Studies and another area of interest. The Philosophy department offers a course in Logic that may be of interest. Basic economic principles underlie many areas of law, so consider a class in Microeconomics offered by the Economics department.

Museum or Heritage Curator

Consider a minor in Museum and Curatorial Studies paired with a degree in Classical Studies. Mount Allison also offers a Certificate in Visual Literacy and Culture. The Owens Art Gallery is an excellent resource for students contemplating a career in museums.


Regardless of the career path you may choose, a degree in Classical Studies will provide you with many skills applicable to a variety of jobs, including but not limited to those listed here. Classical Studies will help you learn to organize material, write clearly, and think analytically. Whatever you decide you want to do, we hope that the Mount Allison Classics department can help you on your way.