
Feature Story

Class Photos Reunion 2023

Celebrating decades of alumni


More than 450 Mount Allison alumni returned to campus on May 12-14 for Reunion Weekend 2023.

This was the first Reunion Weekend in its traditional Reunion/Convocation format since 2019 and saw the return of alumni from classes ending in 3 and 8, joint reunions for the classes of ’58 & ’59 and ’67 & ’68, a special 50-Year Reunion for the classes of ’72 & ’73, a 25-Year Reunion for the classes of ’97 & ’98, and a First-Year Reunion for the Class of 2022.
The weekend included all of our usual special events, including the East Coast Kitchen Party featuring Signal Hill, Pin Ceremonies, the Alumni Banquet, class photos, campus tours, and various social gatherings! 

Celebrating 50 years

Class of 1973

(Alphabetically) Cathy Anderson, Patricia Ash, Sandra Milne Belliveau, Spencer Belyea, William Bigelow, Linda Dunbar Boudreault, Bonnie Boyd, Harris Boyd, Wendy Brown, Ted Brown, Linda Dawn Brown-Thomson, Ron Bulmer, Jeffro Bursey, Don Campbell, Margaret Casey, Tom Clair, Katherine Chapman, Gary Chase, Calder Creelman, Carol Ann Critchley, Eileen Cummings, Bob Cunningham, James Currier, Valerie Dann, John Davidson, Scott Davis, Deborah Richards DeLong, Susan Drysdale, Gwendolyn Ebbett, Marlene MacLellan Estabrooks, Beverly Everett, Paul Fenton, Elaine Forbes, Ivan Fowler, Sandra Fraser, Linda Collins Ross Gallagher, Ross Galbraith, Evelyn Gaudine, Peter German, Linda Smith Giddens, Paul Gunn, Sylvia Gunn, John Gunn, Robert Hall, Inna Kaleva Harrison, Elizabeth Murray Harrison, Steve Heckbert, Jane Henderson, Peter Hicklin, Margaret Hunt, Keith Hunter, Wendy Hargreaves Hunter, Bonnie Hurry, Doug Ingersoll, Bruce Irving, Carol Jackson, James Jackson, Grace Ellis King, Anne Lapp Krabill, Christopher LePage, Diana Locke, Stephen Lockyer, Donald Macaulay, Lorna MacGillivray, Carole Machen, Don Macintosh, Jean Layton MacKay, John MacLennan, Sharon McIntyre, Donald McLennan, Bruce McMillan, Debra McMillan, Leslye McVicar, Christan Nicholson, Eric Norris, Sharon Ogden, Susan Owen, Rick Parker, Donna Parker, Fraser Patterson, Evelyn Perkins, Alice Trueman Porter, Christopher Porter, Jack Powers, Jill Hemeon Rafuse, Gary Rayner, Mark Roberts, Bob Ross, Michael Scott, George Shaw, Kevin Silliker, Bob Thomas, Donna Trafford, Susan Trevor, Steven Trevor, Jane Trites, Richard Walker, Tom Whidden, Sharon Erskine Whitmee, Alexander Wilson, Stephen Woodley, Roland Wright, Phillip Zamora


Theodore Cassidy (Not pictured: Harold Giddens, David Greenwood, Harold Plummer, Clair Ripley)


Ivan Freeborn, Elizabeth Freeborn, Seth Greenwald, Sandra Murray, Barb Hamilton Pfeiffer, Penny Terceira, Paul Cumming, Reid Harrison


Robert Chui, Blois Hennigar, John Coates, Robert Day, Brian Donnelly, Aditaya Kalia, Bonnie Jean Miller Bodtker, Philip Bagnell, Mary Black, Margaret Porter MacKenzie, Doug Steeves


Paul Cappelli, Ian Andrews, Jim Inch, Nancy Vogan, Sandy MacIntosh, Alan Wright, Joe Robb, Linda Hall, Cyril Moyse, Jean Crossman, Bob Wright, Norman Cochrane, Sharon Moyse, Helen Cook, Gordon MacKay (Not pictured: David Fullerton, Elizabeth Morrison) 


Row 1: Elizabeth Boettger, Liz Beveridge, Lynn Boothroyd, Mary Martin, Pam Steeves Bowman, Marilyn Krajc, Diane Fullerton, Joan Peggs, Elaine Smith, Eugenia Trueman Coates, Barb Reid

Row 2: Michael Forbes, Pat Desbrisay, Bob McLean, Shirley MacIntosh, Sue Morse, Nancy Robb, Sandy MacKay, Moira Forbes, Sandra Crabtree

Row 3: Linda Johnson, Robert Crossman, Jane Halisky, Wade Cook, Brian Bell, Ewart Morse, John Mitchell, Nancy Cutler, Cyril Reid, Deanna Rice, Gerald MacGarvie


Row 1: Edith (Lee) Ritchie, Harold Ritchie, Anthony Wu, Susan (Reid) Hunt, Karen (Jessiman) Thompson, Jane (Flewelling) Wood

Row 2: Dianne (Clarke) Murphy, Jane (Evans) Ralling, Hannah (Smith) Rose, Beverley (Mattinson) Fraser, Deborah Hall, Jean (Kirby) King, Jeannie (Robidoux) Lea, Carolyn Fraser, Charles Webster

Row 3: Wenda (Elliot) Bennett, Pauline (Brown) Burton, Karen Dunnett, Robert Hawkes, Wendy (Farmer) MacIntosh, Joyce (Williams) Creighton

Row 4: Margaret (Crawford) Anderson, David Wood, Brian Fancy, Nancy
(Smythe) Bateman, Bill Evans, Janice (Gow) Stephenson, Linda (Lewis) Guest, Garth Steeves, James Lockyer

Row 5: Peter Beardsworth, Ernest Brown, Douglas Simpson, Douglas Paine, Ian Scott, Richard Bohus, Bob Guest, Joe Tippett (Not Pictured: Anne (Branscombe) Jarvie)


Row 1: Jean Cameron, Christine Rozon-Reid, Margaret Logan-Graham, Nancy Macleod

Row 2: Len Stewart, Michelle Belliveau, Linda Duncan, Janet Lugar, Pam Reardon, Sonja Dowbiggin, Ron Sutherland

Row 3: Colin Goff, Scott McCain, Bill Briggs, Tom Paisley, Richard Mungall, Ron Sutherland, Paul Cameron


Row 1: Al Clory, Deb Comfort, Chris Upton, Sonja Hendriks, Susan McQuinn, Trudy Leger, Joanne Morgan

Row 2: Kevin Estabrooks, David Harrison, Margot Allain, Myra Landsburg, Ruth March, Pam (Winn) McLeod, Lori-Ann Lingley, Deb Shaw, Anne Fizzard, Cathy Miller

Row 3: Russ Gowan, Rick Gant, Dave Wheaton, Charlie Scott, Kelly Shaw, Susan Macleod Purchase, Anthony Nicholson, Laurie Stephenson, Sharon Larade, Mitch Miller, Bill Lahey


Anne-Katherine Dionne & Marianne Welsh


Sheryl Griffin, Jill Houtsma, Jane Harris, Gordon Jennings, Anne Leblanc, Meghan Sanders, Susie Tector, Bonnie Stewart, Heather Steeves-Carlin, Tanya Nicholson


Row 1: Karissa Watson, Sally Smart, Cindy Spicer, Krista Steeves, Greg Quinn, Shelley Wood

Row 2: Margo Bulpitt, Kim Love, Joceline Hebert, Bruno Cyr, Susan Mills

Row 3: Danielle Wawryk, Rexanne Crawford, Lynn Snelgrove Connell, Craig Connell

Row 4: Stu Robb, Suzie Clark, Darryl Wood


Row 1: Catherine Schaubel, Sarah Wood, Marisa MacDonald, Heather Drummond-Constantine, Robin Long

Row 2: Bridget Remai, Jayne Roma, Melissa Lindsay MacWilliams, Lynette MacKinnon, April Robinson

Row 3: Doug Comfort, Brian Thompson, Jud Richards, Nicole Winsor, Wade King


Row 1: Kim Hebert, Amanda Wasylishen, Laura Coombs, Melanie Williams, Linda Kamhuka, Jacqueline Fisher, Jennie Henderson

Row 2: Shari Creamer, Jill Ross, Elissa Gelleny, Mike Taylor, Craig MacArthur, Sara Puente, Rebekah Malcolm, Ryan Francis

Row 3: Ellen Bay, Sarah Ross, Erica Lilly, Danny Williamson, Liz Copeland, Andrew Farrell, Russell Shears, Chris Anderson


Evan Revak


Katy Dunning, Brenna Murphy