
Melissa Grey

Part-time Lecturer
Flemington, Rm. 7
Office hours
By appointment only


Lelièvre, P.G. and Grey, M. 2017. JMorph: a digital tool for measuring fossils. Computers and Geosciences 105: 120-128.

Prokop, J, Pecharová, M., Nel. A., Grey, M., and Hörnschemeyer, T. 2017. A remarkable insect from the Pennsylvanian of the Joggins Formation in Nova Scotia, Canada: insights into unusual venation of Brodiidae and nymphs of Megasecoptera. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 15: 1051-1065.

Buhler, P.B. and Grey, M. 2016. Limulid burrowing traces at the Late Carboniferous Joggins Fossil Cliffs UNESCO World Heritage Site, Nova Scotia, Canada. Ichnos (published online:).

Carpenter, D., Falcon-Lang, H., Benton, M. and Grey, M. 2015. Early Pennsylvanian (Langsettian) fish assemblages from the Joggins Formation, Canada, and their implications for palaeoecology and palaeogeography. Palaeontology 58: 661-690.

Zaton, M., Grey, M., and Vinn, O. 2014. Microconchid tubeworms (Class Tentaculita) from the Joggins Formation (Pennsylvanian), Nova Scotia, Canada.Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 51: 669-676.

Smith, P.L., Longridge, L.M., Grey, M., Jin Zhang and Bo Liang. 2014. From near extinction to recovery: Late Triassic to Middle Jurassic ammonoid shell geometry. Lethaia 47: 337-351.

Grey, M., Finkel, Z.V., Pufahl, P.K., and Reid, L. 2012. Evolutionary mode of the ostracod, Velatomorpha altilus, at the Joggins Fossil Cliffs UNESCO World Heritage Site. Lethaia 45: 615-623.

Grey, M. and Finkel, Z.V. 2011. The Joggins Fossil Cliffs UNESCO World Heritage site: a review of recent research. Atlantic Geology 47: 185-200.

Grey, M. and Skilliter, D. 2011. Collections Management at the Joggins Fossil Cliffs UNESCO World Heritage Site: A New Model? The Geological Curator 9: 273-278.

Grey, M., Pufahl, P.K. and Aziz, A.A. 2011. Using Multiple Environmental Proxies to Determine Degree of Marine Influence and Paleogeographical Position of the Joggins Fossil Cliffs UNESCO World Heritage Site. Palaios 26: 256-263.

Falcon-Lang, H.J., Gibling, M.R. and Grey, M. 2010. Classic Localities Explained 4: Joggins, Nova Scotia. Geology Today 26: 108-114.

Grey, M., Haggart, J.W. and Smith, P.L. 2010. Morphological variability in time and space: an example of patterns within buchiid bivalves (Bivalvia, Buchiidae). Palaeontolgy. 53, 1269-1280.

Grey, M., Haggart, J.W. and Smith, P.L. 2008. Variation in Evolutionary Patterns Across the Geographic Range of a Fossil Bivalve. Science, 322, 1238-1241.

Grey, M., Haggart, J.W. and Smith, P.L. 2008. Species discrimination and evolutionary mode of Buchia (Bivalvia: Buchiidae) from Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous strata of Grassy Island, British Columbia, Canada. Palaeontology, 51, 583-595.

Grey, M., Haggart, J.W. and Smith, P.L. 2008. A new species of Buchia(Bivalvia: Buchiidae) from British Columbia, Canada, with an analysis of buchiid bipolarity. Journal of Paleontology, 82, 422-428.

Grey, M., Lelievre, P.G. and Boulding, E.G. 2007. Naticid Gastropod Prey Selection of Shell Thickness on the Bivalve Protothaca staminea. The Veliger: 48, 317-322.

Grey, M., Blais, A.M., Hunt, B. and Vincent, A.C.J. 2006. The United States of America’s international trade in fish leather, from a conservation perspective. Environmental Conservation 33, 100-108.

Grey, M. and A.C.J. Vincent. 2006. The use of fish for research, product and environmental testing, and education in North America. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 16, 569-578.

Grey, M., Boulding, E.G., and Brookfield, M.E. 2006. Estimating multivariate selection gradients in the fossil record: a naticid gastropod case study. Paleobiology 32, 100-108.

Grey, M., Boulding, E.G., and Brookfield, M. 2005. Shape difference among boreholes drilled by three species of naticid gastropods. Journal of Molluscan Studies 71, 253-256.

Grey, M., Blais, A.M., and Vincent, A.C.J. 2005. The curio trade of marine fish in the United States. Oryx: the International Journal of Conservation 39, 413-420. 


Ph.D., Geological Sciences: University of British Columbia (BC)

MSc, Zoology: University of Guelph (ON)

BScH, Biology: Acadia University (NS)


Biology 3021 - Palaentology, Fall

Biology 2401- Form and Function: Animals, Winter


Broad research interests

My overall research interests involve exploring fundamental questions regarding the tempo and mode of evolutionary processes as they apply to morphological evolution. The fossil record is the primary source of information about rates and patterns of evolution as it allows for a deep-time perspective coupled with the potential to use rigorous statistical techniques.

Joggins research

The Joggins Fossil Cliffs are ideal for the study of the Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) ecosystem and in particular the evolution of the flora and fauna within it. Joggins provides a unique opportunity to investigate evolution within changing ecosystems because it has preserved the richest sampling of terrestrial life during the Pennsylvanian. The fossil record at Joggins represents a broad ecological spectrum including flora and fauna from the entire food web within a variety of landscapes, such as wetlands and seasonal drylands.