
Kathleen Lord

Associate Professor



University Committees

Senate Committee on Emeriti Appointments, 2020-23

Scholarships and Bursaries Committee, 2016-19

Senate Ad Hoc Committee on Evaluating the Fall Break, 2015-18

Faculty Representative (alternate), Graduate Studies Committee, 2015-18

Executive Committee of Faculty Council; Faculty Council Reports to Senate, 2011-14

Senate Committee on Emeriti Appointments, 2011-14

Senate Committee on Students with Disabilities, 2006-10

Senate Academic Appeals Committee, 2007-10

Mount Allison Faculty Association

Collective Bargaining Committee, 2008-09

Health Plan Focus Group, 2006

Teaching, Research and University Service Workload Sub-Committee, 2005

Departmental Sub-Committees

Early Modern North America/British World Sabbatical Replacement and Canadian Women in Historical Perspective Stipend Search Sub-Committees, 2019

Modern Canada Sabbatical Replacement Search Sub-Committee, 2014

British North America Sessional Contract Search Sub-Committee, 2013

Atlantic Canada Sabbatical Replacement Search Sub-Committee, 2012

Modern Canada Sabbatical Replacement Search Sub-Committee, 2010

Organized departmental co-sponsorship of Visiting Scholar in Canadian Studies, AndrĂ©e LĂ©vesque, November 2008

Curriculum Sub-Committee, 2008-09

U.S. History Sabbatical Replacement Search Committee, 2008-09

Medieval History Sabbatical Replacement Search Committee, 2006-07

Atlantic Canada Pre-Confederation Tenure-stream Search Committee, 2005-06

New Faculty Orientation proposal submission, 2005-06

Conference Panel Chairs

Canada and Mexico in North America, The New North America Canadian Studies Conference, Mount Allison University, 2008.

Class and Labour Dynamics, Mobilizations and Engagements Canadian Studies Conference, Mount Allison University, 2007.

Why We Fight: War, Peace, and Resolution, Post-Conflict Transition, Atlis Human Rights Conference, Mount Allison University, 2005.

Professional Commissioned Work

2017 Citation of a portion of my text review of Quebec Questions: Quebec Studies for the Twenty First Century. Don Mills, Ont.: Oxford University Press (OUP), second edition.

2014 Text review of R. Douglas Francis, Richard Jones, Donald B. Smith, and Robert  A. Wardhaugh, Destinies: Canadian History since Confederation, seventh edition. Toronto, Ont.: Nelson, 2012, April 15.

2014 Grant Assessment: SSHRC Standard Grant adjudication, Quebec History proposal, January 10.

2013 Text review of Quebec Questions: Quebec Studies for the Twenty-First Century. Don Mills, Ont.: Oxford University Press, first edition, June 19.

2013 Grant Assessment: SSHRC Standard Grant adjudication, Quebec History group grant proposal, January 19.

2012 Manuscript Review: New Brunswick Federation of Labour, Athabasca University Press, March 11.

2010 Grant Assessment: SSHRC Standard Grant adjudication, New France group grant proposal, January 6.

2010 Permission requests to cite portions of my October 5, 2009 and October 1, 2009 text reviews of Quebec Questions: Quebec Studies for the Twenty-First Century. Don Mills, Ont.: Oxford University Press, first edition, April 26; Rethinking Canada: The Promise of Women’s History. Don Mills, Ont.: OUP, 2009, sixth edition, April 16.

2009 Text Review: Jeff Keshen et al., Defining Canada: A Narrative History, Vol. II. Whitby, Ont.: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, first draft. April 20.

2009 Permission request to cite a portion of my March 26, 2008 text review of the first edition of Home, Work, and Play: Situating Canadian Social History, 1840-1980. Don Mills, Ont.: OUP, 2009, second edition. December 1. Book with citation received May 14, 2010.

2004 Article Review: "La 'latinitĂ©' des QuĂ©bĂ©cois Ă  l'Ă©preuve" in The Canadian Cultural Exchange/L'Ă©change culturel canadien, as part of the interdisciplinary Master’s Humanities program, UniversitĂ© Laurentienne.

External Organization

1996 McGill University: Graduate Student Discussant, Future Visions Conference.

1993-94 Teaching Assistant Ad Hoc Committee; Proposed Reforms, Graduate Program Committee; TA workshop, conducting History conferences in collaboration with Prof Gil Troy and David Woolner, Department of History; History representative and Negociation Committee member, Association of Graduate Students Employed at McGill, Centrale des Syndicats Nationaux (CSN).1991-94 Provincial Association of Social Science Teachers (PASST): Founder, Board Member and Newsletter Editor; Teaching Presentations, Annual Provincial Association of Protestant Teachers/Provincial Association of Catholic Teachers/Federation of Teachers of Jewish Schools’ Conventions, (PAPT/PACT/FTJS); Co-organizer, Black History Workshop and Cooperative Learning Strategies Workshop.

1983-85 Secretary, Association des Enseignant(e)s du Nouveau-Québec,Centrale des Enseignant(e)s du Québec (CEQ).

Academic and Professional Memberships

Canadian Historical Association

Institut d'histoire de l'Amérique française


Post-Doctorate, Cleveland State University, Department of History, 2003-05.
Research Project: "Photographic Streetscapes:  Class and Gender Representations in Saint-Henri, Quebec and Lowell, Massachusetts, 1905-45"
Supervisor:  James Borchert

Doctor of Philosophy, McGill University, Department of History, 2001.
Major field:  Nineteenth-century Quebec
Minor field:  Twentieth-century Canadian Women and Labour
Minor field:  International Urban History
Dissertation:  "Days and Nights:  Class, Gender and Society on Notre-Dame Street in Saint-Henri, 1875-1905"
Supervisor:  Brian Young

Diploma in Education, McGill University, Faculty of Education, 1982.
Quebec and Ontario Teaching Licenses, History and Social Sciences.

Master of Arts, Concordia University, Sir George Williams Campus, Department of History, 1981.
Thesis:  "Municipal Aid and Industrial Development:  Saint-Jean, Quebec, 1848-1914"
Supervisor:  Ronald Rudin

Bachelor of Arts, Concordia University, Loyola Campus, Department of History, 1977.
Honours History, magma cum laude
Honours Essay:  "Assimilation or Integration?:  Franco-American Immigration in Burlington, Vermont"
Supervisor:  Ronald Rudin


Mount Allison University


HIST 1621 Canadian Social History:  Home, Work, and Play.  Lecture and discussion.
HIST 2421 Canada After 1871.  Lecture and discussion.
HIST 3811 Canadian Working-Class and Labour History.  Lecture and discussion.


HIST 2421 Canada after 1871. Lecture and discussion. 
HIST 3411 New France. Lecture and discussion. 
HIST 3431 Quebec from Confederation to the Sovereignty Movement. Lecture and discussion. 
HIST 3441 Modern Canada. Lecture and discussion.
HIST 3811 Canadian Working-Class and Labour History. Lecture and discussion. 


HIST 2421 Canada after 1871. Lecture and discussion.
HIST 3411 New France. Lecture and discussion.
HIST 3431 Quebec from Confederation to the Sovereignty Movement. Lecture and discussion.
HIST 3441 Modern Canada. Lecture and discussion.
HIST 3811 Canadian Working-Class and Labour History. Lecture and discussion.


HIST 1621 Canadian Social History: Home, Work, and Play. Lecture and discussion.
HIST 2421 Canada after 1871. Lecture and discussion.
HIST 3411 New France. Lecture and discussion.
HIST 3441 Modern Canada. Lecture, discussion, and guest lecture.
HIST 3811 Canadian Working-Class and Labour History. Lecture, discussion, and guest lectures.

HIST 2421 Canada after 1871. Lecture and discussion.
HIST 3431 Quebec from Confederation to the Sovereignty Movement. Lecture and discussion. 


HIST 1621 Canadian Social History: Home, Work, and Play. Lecture, discussion, and guest lecture.
HIST 2421 Canada after 1871. Lecture, discussion, and guest lecture. 
HIST 3431 Quebec from Confederation to the Sovereignty Movement. Lecture and discussion.    
HIST 3441 Modern Canada. Lecture and discussion.  
HIST 3901 Historical Research and Writing Methods. Lecture, discussion, and guest lecture.     


HIST 1621 Canadian Social History: Home, Work, and Play. Lecture and discussion.
HIST 2421 Canada after 1871. Lecture, discussion, and guest lecture.
HIST 3411 New France. Lecture, discussion, and library visit.
HIST 3431 Quebec from Confederation to the Sovereignty Movement. Lecture and discussion.
HIST 3811 Canadian Working-Class and Labour History. Lecture, discussion, and guest lecture.


HIST 1621 Canadian Social History: Home, Work, and Play. Lecture and discussion.
HIST 2421 Canada after 1871. Lecture and discussion.
HIST 3411 New France. Lecture, discussion, and library visit.
HIST 3441 Modern Canada. Lecture and discussion.
HIST 3901 Historical Research and Writing Methods. Lecture, workshops, and archive visit.


HIST 1621 Canadian Social History: Home, Work, and Play. Lecture and discussion.
HIST 2421 Canada after 1871. Lecture and discussion.
HIST 3431 Quebec from Confederation to the Sovereignty Movement. Lecture and discussion.

HIST 1621 Canadian Social History: Home, Work, and Play. Lecture and discussion.
HIST 2421 Canada after 1871. Lecture and discussion.
HIST 3411 New France. Lecture, discussion and library visit.
HIST 3441 Modern Canada. Lecture and discussion.
HIST 3901     Historical Research and Writing Methods. Lecture, workshops, library and archive visit.


HIST 1621 Canadian Social History: Home, Work, and Play. Lecture and discussion.
HIST 2421 Canada after 1871. Lecture and discussion.
HIST 3431 Quebec from Confederation to the Sovereignty Movement. Lecture and discussion.
HIST 3811 Canadian Working-Class and Labour History. Lecture, discussion, and guest lecture.


HIST 1621 Canadian Social History: Home, Work, and Play. Lecture and discussion.
HIST 2421 Canada after 1871. Lecture, discussion, and guest lecture.
HIST 3411 New France. Lecture, discussion and library visit.
HIST 4440 Advanced Topics in Modern Canada. Full year seminar.    


HIST 2421 Canada after 1871. Lecture and discussion.
HIST 3431 Quebec from Confederation to the Sovereignty Movement. Lecture and discussion.
HIST 3441 Modern Canada. Lecture and discussion.
HIST 3811 Canadian Working-Class and Labour History. Lecture, discussion and guest lectures.
HIST 3901 Historical Research and Writing Methods. Lecture, workshops, library and archive visit.


HIST 1621 Canadian Social History: Home, Work, and Play. Lecture and discussion.
HIST 2421 Canada after 1871. Lecture and discussion.    
HIST 3441 Modern Canada. Lecture and discussion.
HIST 4440 Advanced Topics in Modern Canada. Full year seminar.  

HIST 3411 Colonial New France. Lecture and discussion.
HIST 3431 Quebec from Confederation to the Sovereignty Movement. Lecture and discussion.
HIST 3471 Canadian Women in Historical Perspective. Lecture and discussion.
HIST 4440 Advanced Topics in Modern Canada. Full year seminar.    


HIST 2410 Canada from the Prehistoric to the Present. Lecture and Discussion.   
HIST 3431 Quebec from Confederation to the Sovereignty Movement. Lecture and Discussion. 
HIST 4440 Advanced Topics in Modern Canada. Full year seminar.    


HIST 2410 Canada from the Prehistoric to the Present. Lecture and Discussion.
HIST 4440 Advanced Topics in Modern Canada. Full year seminar.
Laurentian University

HIST 1407 F-01 Histoire du Canada depuis la Confédération
HIST 3066 FL 01 Les villes canadiennes: une perspective historique 
HIST 3246 F-01  Histoire du QuĂ©bec depuis 1867

The University College of the Cariboo (now Thompson Rivers University)


HIST 112-02 Canada to 1867 
HIST 122-03 Canada since 1867
HIST 270-01 Women in Post-Confederation Canada
HIST 490-01 Theory, Methodology, and Public Space 

McGill University

1999 Quebec Society and Politics                
1995 History of Quebec

Professional Teaching Development

2005-10 Attended Purdy Crawford Teaching Centre workshops, Midterm Evaluation, The Teaching Portfolio, and Teaching Internships.


Publications in Refereed Journals

a) Peer-reviewed Articles

Kathleen Lord. “The Function of Commercial Streets in Montreal and Paris, 1853-1936,” Journal of Urban History. 44, 6 (November 2018): 1131-53.  March 30, 2016, 1- 23. htttp://journals.sagepub.com/toc/juha/0/0 DOI: 10.1177/0096144216632746.

Kathleen Lord. “Research Methods in Comparative and Visual Analysis: Transportation and Sociability in Saint-Henri, Quebec and Lowell, Massachusetts, 1905-45,” Visual Communication 11, 2 (May 2012): 131-61.

Kathleen Lord.“Representing Crime in Words, Images, and Song: Exploring Primary Sources in the Murder of MĂ©lina MassĂ©, Montreal, 1895,” Histoire sociale/Social History XLIII, 86 (November 2010): 429-55.

Kathleen Lord. “Permeable Boundaries: Negotiation, Resistance, and Transgression of Street Space in Saint-Henri, Quebec, 1875-1905,” Urban History Review/Revue d’histoire urbaine (UHR/Rhu) 33, 2 (Spring 2005): 17-29.
Kathleen Lord. “‘Rendering the Invisible Visible’: A Day and A Night on Notre-Dame Street in Saint-Henri, Quebec, June 12, 1895,” Atlantis: A Women’s Studies Journal/Revue d'Études sur les femmes 28.1 (Fall 2003): 91-105. 

Kathleen Lord. “Nineteenth-Century Corporate Welfare: Municipal Aid and Industrial Development in Saint-Jean, Quebec, 1848-1914,” UHR/Rhu XIII, 2 (October 1984):105-15. 
b) Book and Exhibition Reviews

Kathleen Lord. “Review of Nicholas Kenny, The Feel of the City: Experiences of Urban Transformation. Toronto, Buffalo, London: University of Toronto Press, 2014.” Canadian Historical Review 96, 1 (March 2015): 124-5. 

Kathleen Lord. “Review of Claire TrĂ©panier, A Woman of Valour: The Biography of Marie-Louise Bouchard Labelle. Louise Matha, trans. Edmonton: Athabasca University Press, 2010.” Labour/Le Travail (L/LeT) 67 (Spring 2011): 221-3.

Kathleen Lord. “Review of Peter C. Bischoff, Les DĂ©bardeurs au Port de QuĂ©bec: Tableau des luttes syndicales, 1831-1902. QuĂ©bec: Les Éditions Hurtubise, 2009.” L/LeT 66 (Fall 2010): 240-3.

Kathleen Lord. “Review of Robert Service, Trotsky: A Biography. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2009.” Left History (LH) 14.2 (Summer 2010): 136-8.

Kathleen Lord. “Review of Faith Johnston, A Great Restlessness: The Life and Politics of Dorise Nielsen. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 2006.” LH 14.1 (Spring/Summer 2009): 109-11.

Kathleen Lord. “Review of Don Mitchell, The Right to the City: Social Justice and the Fight for Public Space. London and New York: Guildford, 2003.” L/LeT 59 (Spring 2007): 290-2.

Kathleen Lord. â€œExhibition Review of MusĂ©e Pointe-Ă -CalliĂšres, Saint-Laurent: Montreal’s Main/Saint-Laurent, la Main de MontrĂ©al,” UHR/Rhu XXXI, 2 (Spring 2003): 37. 

Kathleen Lord. “Review of Pierre Drouilly, L'espace social de MontrĂ©al, 1951-1991.”  Sillery, QuĂ©bec: Septentrion, 1996.” UHR/Rhu XXVI, 1 (October 1997): 61-2.

Non-refereed Publications

Kathleen Lord. “RiviĂšre Richelieu”and “Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu,”The Canadian Encyclopedia. Edmonton: Hurtig Publishing, 1985, Volume 3, pp. 1583, 1619. Also available in French, L'EncyclopĂ©die du Canada. MontrĂ©al: Les Éditions StankĂ©, 1987, Tome 3, pp. 1709, 1749-50.   Kathleen Lord. “Louis Molleur,” Dictionary of Canadian Biography. Vol. XIII. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1984, 712-14. Also available in French, Dictionnaire biographique du Canada, Volume XIII, QuĂ©bec: Les Presses de l’UniversitĂ© Laval, 1984, 775- 6.    

Work in Progress

Peer-reviewed Articles

Kathleen Lord. The Laissez-faire Politics of Water Main and Sewer Pipe Installation in Saint-Henri, 1885-1905

Abstract: This article examines class and public health to explain delays in providing the essential services of water and sewage for the citizens of Saint-Henri in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Submission to Urban History Review/Revue d’histoire urbaine.

Kathleen Lord. Photographic Streetscapes and Urban Sociability, 1870-1940

Abstract: This study analyzes photographs of urban street sociability in New York City from 1870 to 1940. The social space of street photography represents a potentially significant contribution to North American historiography. Urban social historians have rarely explored the relationship between photography and street sociability using a photo-analytical, comparative, and technological approach. Artistic collections comprising urban street scenes often examine photographers under a particular theme in a specific country or studies of prominent photographers in one city. Rarely have historians focused in a single publication on the impact of amateur and professional photographic techniques and styles to reveal late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century street sociability. Submission to the Journal of Urban History.

Conference Papers and Presentations

Images of Commercial Streets in Montreal and Paris, 1853-1936, Eighth International Conference on the Image, Venice International University, San Servolo, Venice, Italy, October 31, 2017. Cultural Heritage Preservation at Mount Allison University, 2011-12, Sharing Cultures. Third International Conference on Intangible Heritage, Aveiro, Portugal, July 24, 2013.  

Privatizing Public Space and Street Sociability in Montreal and Paris, 1870-1940, Canadian Historical Association, University of Victoria, June 4, 2013.    Selected Representations of Street Sociability in Montreal and Paris Photographs, 1870-1940, International Visual Sociology Association, St. Francis College, Brooklyn Heights, New York. July 9, 2012.  

Street Sociability Represented in Selected Photographs of Montreal and Paris, 1870-1940, Works-in-Progress Seminar, Faculty of Arts, Mount Allison University. February 10, 2012.

Photographic Representations of Street Sociability in Montreal and Paris, 1870-1940, Canadian Historical Association, University of New Brunswick, St. Thomas University, Fredericton. June 1, 2011.   Days and Nights on rue Notre-Dame: June 12-13, 1895, Works-in-Progress Seminar, Faculty of Arts, Mount Allison University. November 14, 2008.

Assessing Comparative and Visual Analysis in the Study of Urban Social History: Saint-Henri, Quebec and Lowell, Massachusetts, 1905-45, Canadian Historical Association, York University, Toronto. May 30, 2006.

Photographic Streetscapes: Class and Gender Representations in Saint-Henri, Quebec and Lowell, Massachusetts, 1905-45, Canadian Historical Association, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg. June 4, 2004.

Jours et nuits sur la rue Notre-Dame Ă  Saint-Henri, 1875-1905, SociĂ©tĂ© historique de MontrĂ©al. May 2000. L'espace social et symbolique de la rue Notre-Dame Ă  Saint-Henri, 1875-1905, Institut d'histoire de l'AmĂ©rique française, Trois RiviĂšres, QuĂ©bec. October 22, 1999.

Material Circumstances and Daily Lives: Class Analysis and the Physical Fabric of Notre-Dame Street in Saint-Henri, 1875-1905, Canadian Historical Association, Université de Sherbrooke. June 6, 1999.

Sociability and the Street in Nineteenth-Century Montreal, Vernacular Architecture Forum, Ottawa, May 1995.

Invited Lectures and Seminars

Photographs of Commercial Streets in Montreal and Paris, l835 -1936, Arts Research Day, Mount Allison University, January 26, 2018.

Meutre et musique: une complainte, JournĂ©e d'Ă©tudes, Modern Languages Department, Mount Allison UniversitĂ©. November 6, 2009.

Transportation and Sociability: Photographic Representations of Saint-Henri, Quebec and Lowell, Massachusetts, 1905-1945, Department of History, Cleveland State University. April 13, 2004.

Permeable Boundaries: Negotiation, Transgression and Resistance of Street Space in Saint-Henri, Quebec 1875-1905, History Departmental Colloquium, Laurentian University. March 16, 2003.

L'aide municipale et le dĂ©veloppement industriel Ă  Saint-Jean, 1848-1914, SociĂ©tĂ© d'histoire du Haut-Richelieu, Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, QuĂ©bec. May 1996.

Land Use and Social Space on Notre-Dame Street in Nineteenth-Century Saint-Henri,  Landscape Conference, McGill Institute for the Study of Canada. November 1996.

Other Scholarly and Creative Activity

Historical Consultant, Artistic Exhibition “Pretty Garbage/Jolies Poubelles”, Start Gallery, Sackville, NB. A leaflet of urban social historical critiques in support of this exhibition of paintings of Montreal streets and lanes by Mount Allison Fine Arts student Andrea Kastner. March 17, 2006. 

Public Broadcast Historical Consultant for a critique of gentrification in Saint-Henri in collaboration with CBC journalist Lynne Robson broadcast on The National. December 15, 2004.  

Saint-Henri Industriel, SociĂ©tĂ© historique de Saint-Henri. Historical texts for an exhibition on five major industries in late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Saint-Henri in collaboration with Jean Belisle, Professor, Faculty of Fine Arts, Concordia University. May 1994.

Research Employment

Research Assistant, Aboriginal History, Catherine Desbarats, McGill University. Acknowledgement in "Essai sur quelques Ă©lĂ©ments de l'Ă©criture de l'histoire amĂ©rindienne," Revue d'histoire de l'AmĂ©rique française 53, 4 (printemps 2000): 491-520.

Research Assistant, Conference Readings, State Formation in British North America, Catherine Desbarats, Department of History, McGill University, 1995.      Pedagogical Consultant, Working with Evidence: Primary and Secondary Source Documentation for History of QuĂ©bec and Canada. MinistĂšre de l’Éducation du QuĂ©bec (MÉQ), 1992.

Research Assistant, Centre for the Study of Anglophone Quebec, Concordia University. Claudette Cardinal, ed., The History of Quebec: A Bibliography of Sources in English, 1981.

Research and Travel Grants

Mount Allison University

2011-12 Marjorie Young Bell Faculty Research and Travel Scholarship

External Funding

2003-05 Fonds quĂ©bĂ©cois de recherche sur la sociĂ©tĂ© et la culture Post-doctoral Fellowship ($63,000) 2000 McGill Faculty of Graduate Studies Dissertation Finishing Scholarship ($2,000)  1999 McGill Alma Mater Student Travel Grant ($500) 1997 McGill Faculty of Graduate Studies Research Grant ($3,000) 1996 Fonds pour la Formation des Chercheurs et l'Aide Ă  la Recherche (FCAR) Doctoral Scholarship ($4,500) 1994-96 CongrĂšs de l’Institut de l'AmĂ©rique française Student Fellowships ($500) 1995 CongrĂšs International des Sciences historiques Doctoral Student Award ($250) 1995 Vernacular Architecture Forum Student Fellowship ($250) 1979-80 Concordia University Faculty of Graduate Studies Fellowship ($5,000) 1972-77 Loyola Entrance Scholarship ($2,500)