
Class of 1955

Class officers

Alma (Trevors) Baker (deceased)

Leslie Parrott (deceased)


Questions? E-mail alumni@mta.ca 

Class yell

Who’s the best?
We’re the best!
We’re the best of all the rest.
That’s the class that is alive.
We’re the class of Red and Grey
We’re the class that leads the way.
Red for spirit!
Grey for drive!
Red and Grey for fifty-five.


Prepared by Joan (Smith) Forshner for Reunion 2010:

We’re the Class of ’55
We’re the Class that stayed alive.
Be at Mt. A. in 2010
To celebrate our Class again.
Time to show how we survive;
’55 IS 55.



Class project

Class of 1955 Bursary in Memory of Ron Dempsey

The Class of 1955 has created a bursary to assist students with financial need. Members of the class are encouraged to support the fund in order to help as many students as possible.

Give now


Class news

1950s-2020s Class Connections Fall 2021
Find out the latest news about your fellow Allisonians
1950s-2010s Class Notes Winter 2019
Find out what your classmates and friends are up to
1950s-2010s Class Notes Summer 2017
Find out what your classmates are up to