

Learning a new side of music with Amelia Hurst: Summer Student Internship   

18 Aug 2023
Music and psychology student Amelia Hurst is the CHMA Independent Media Intern at campus and community media outlet CHMA through the Experiential Learning & Career Development Internship Program at Mount Allison. 

1 — What does your day-to-day look like?

My day almost always starts off with spending about an hour or two finding Canadian music to play on the radio during the day since Canada has a content requirement that ensures that at least 30% of the broadcast is Canadian. After I finish that up, I often record public service announcements that are given to us by local stations and businesses. I also host a radio show that airs daily as well as edit any content that needs revision.

2 — What are you enjoying most about your internship?

The CHMA work environment has been an incredible space to work in. I have only ever worked in the service industry, so this is my first time working somewhere that has been applicable to what I am studying. I also never really listened to the radio before this internship and this experience has allowed me to discover something I didn't know I really enjoyed. It's been amazing to talk on the radio, find new music, and connect with the community in such a fun environment. 

3 — What knowledge and skills are you developing?

A big part of my internship is music production. I have taken a few classes about this topic, but nothing has ever been as in-depth or hands-on as what I am doing here at CHMA. I am learning about equipment and software that I know we will be learning in my future classes and being one step ahead of the groups is a huge advantage. I also have a new appreciation for how things are recorded and the behind the scenes of the music industry. I feel so grateful to be able to experience this before I graduate.

4 — What has this experience shown you about potential career paths?

This internship has opened my eyes to the different career options that I could pursue after I graduate. I have been introduced to a whole new side the music industry and it has really kind of shaken up what I thought my career would look like. Since my role has allowed me to experience being a producer, I am now considering what a career in this field would look like. I am so grateful to have a manager who used to be a producer before CHMA, so he knows a ton about the industry and has taught me so much already. 

5 — What have you learned about what fuels your fire?

This opportunity has given me the chance to rediscover how much I love music outside of the classroom. It has taught me that I am in the right place and headed in the right direction wherever that may be. I am truly inspired by everyone I have had the honour of interacting with and I often still can’t believe this is what I get to do every single day.
Learn more about student internship opportunities at Mount Allison.

This internship funded by Future NB.


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