

5Q with Meighen Centre Pre-Orientation co-chair Kyle Milley

27 Aug 2018

Students Kyle Milley (Arts) and Emilie Comfort (Science) are this year’s Pre-Orientation co-chairs

KyleMilley_MCOrientationcochair1. Why did you want to chair the Meighen Centre Pre-Orientation?

Pre-Orientation is a fantastic way for students with disabilities to get a head start on transitioning to university life. I wanted to help lead this amazing experience for new students because I know how tough it can be to take this new step. We have so many great events planned and I can't wait to get started!


2. What is your favourite memory from your Orientation?

I think my favourite memory was from the first day of Orientation. There was an amazing buzz around campus as everyone was helping each other move into their residence. You could really feel the excitement, and I think that made it much easier to adjust to living away from home.


3. What advice do you have for first-year students who may feel overwhelmed when they get to campus?

When I first got to campus I didn’t know a single person going to Mount A. When I look back, I realize how amazing an experience it was for me to develop new friendships from the ones I had in high school. Inevitably, it will be a bit overwhelming at times, but it’s all so worth it in the end! Mount Allison is a very supportive environment and Orientation Week will make adjusting to university life easy. Just try and take it all in and have fun!


4. What do you hope students take away from the Meighen Centre Pre-Orientation?

I hope that students will feel well-acquainted with the amazing services that the Meighen Centre provides and that students will feel better connected to their peers and new home.


5. Where can students get more information about Pre-Orientation over the summer?

Students can contact either myself of co-chair Emilie Comfort (krmilley@mta.ca or eacomfort@mta.ca) for information on the events we have planned for Pre-Orientation. You can find out more about the Meighen Centre at:

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