
Policy 8000 — Counter-Signature Policy

Policy section:
Section 8000-8099 Signing Authorizations
Policy number:
Counter-Signature Policy
University Employees
Approved By:
Finance and Administration Committee of the Board of Regents
Approved date:
January 22, 1993
Effective date:
January 22, 1993
Administered by:
Vice-President (Administration)


This policy applies to all requests for direct reimbursement of expenses or other payments of a personal nature. This policy requires that all such requests have a counter-signature.


2.1 Faculty Members

Faculty members should have any such request counter-signed by the department head; the department heads by the Dean; the Deans by the Vice-President (Academic & Research); and the Vice-President (Academic & Research) by the President.

2.2 Non-Academic Personnel

Non-academic personnel should have any such request counter-signed by the department head/supervisor; the department head/supervisors by the next highest authority to whom they report.

2.3 Responsibilities

The counter-signature is meant to signify that the reimbursement is for University activities pertaining to the individual's job requirements. Scrutiny of the claims to ensure that payments are made in accordance with University policies remains a function of Financial Services.

Where personnel in Financial Services have reason to doubt the validity of the counter-signed claim, the matter should be taken up with the next highest level of signing authority.