
Policy 3006 — Policy for Named Academic Chairs

Policy section:
Section 3000-3099 Special Appointments
Policy number:
Policy for Named Chairs
Human Resources and Appointments
Approved By:
Approved date:
March 15, 2006
Effective date:
March 15, 2006
October 9, 2018
Administered by:
Provost and Vice-President, Academic and Research


To define the policy and procedures associated with the appointment of faculty members to named academic chairs (also called professorships) and to set out the applicable terms and conditions.



In accordance with various donor gifts received by the University, a number of named academic chairs (or professorships) have been established. These named chairs are intended to enhance the academic and research missions of the University. Individuals appointed to a named chair, normally drawn from the academic staff of the University, shall develop, support, and enhance academic and research programs through their engagement in scholarly activities. The University is committed to strengthening equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) and to removing barriers faced by under‑represented and disadvantaged groups; as such, EDI must be considered in making all appointments.

Whereas the University has established a number of named academic chairs and wishes to make appointments from the faculty to fill each chair, the associated procedures will be employed to do so.


  • a. The appointee shall have demonstrated an outstanding record of research or creative activity as evaluated by both institutional peers and their external scholarly communities.
  • b. The appointee shall have demonstrated an outstanding record and commitment to teaching and guidance of students as documented by the candidate.
  • c.The appointee shall have acted as a catalyst to stimulate scholarly activity within the University, and beyond. A willingness to serve as a mentor to colleagues while holding the chair will be considered an important criterion for selection. 


This policy and its associated procedures will be reviewed at least once every five years.

Procedures for filling Named Academic Chairs

1. Advisory Committee for the Appointment of Named Academic Chairs

When a chair or chairs is/are deemed to be vacant, a President's Advisory Committee (hereafter “Committee”) shall be struck to advise the President on filling the chair(s).

The Committee will be populated by the President as follows:

Composition of the Committee

  • the Provost and Vice President, Academic and Research (Chair);
  • one (1) Dean;
  • three (3) existing or former chair holders nominated by the Committee on Committees and elected by Senate (current and former Canada Research Chair (CRC) holders are eligible for election);
  • two (2) students appointed by the Mount Allison Students’ Union (MASU).

2. Nominations Leading to the Filling of a Chair

When a chair or chairs is/are deemed to be vacant, the Provost, on behalf of the Committee, will issue a call for nominations to the campus community (i.e., faculty, staff and students). Nominations can be made by individuals or groups, as long as they are signed by all nominators. The process will then be:

  • The Committee will receive all nominations and then solicit all such information deemed necessary to address the criteria for selection.
  • The Committee will write to all tenured or tenure-track members of a nominee’s department who are not nominees themselves, to solicit their views on the suitability of the nominee(s) for the appointment.
  • The Committee may opt to seek advice from one or more external referees for any nominee. Any external referees will be selected by the Committee from a list of up to five names suggested by a nominee’s Dean in consultation with the nominee. Such referees should be acknowledged scholars capable of assessing the accomplishments of the candidate for the chair to be filled.
  • After considering all input received, the Committee will make a recommendation(s) to the President. The Provost is responsible for conveying the recommendation(s).